Have you ever been digging through what seems like hundreds of baby socks and not a single one seems to have a match?
Have you ever been walking through a store and come across an item that you find particularly clever but much too expensive?
Well this little guy was a result of that. My kids were both sick and one had a fever. When my daughter was little i got some sort of free gift with purchase type thing and it was a little stuffed animal with a pocket that could fit an ice pack. Then I saw at the hardware store these beanbag type animals that you could freeze or microwave, hmm clever.
While digging through the sock basket it all clicked.
All you need is:
2 baby socks ( they do not have to match)
needle and thread
herbs or dry flowers or tea ( make sure they are completely dry)
cotton ( optional )
1. Point the toe of one of the socks toward you and flatten the ankle band.
2. Cut a slit up the center of the ankle tube. These will be the legs so you an cut them as long or short as you want.
3. Turn the sock inside out. Stitch up the legs leaving a small hole to turn right side out and fill with rice and good smelling stuff.
4. Fill with rice and scented items. You can use your fingers or a piece of paper rolled into a cone. You can also stuff the legs with cotton if you like.
5. Stitch the hole up.
6. Take the other sock and fashion arms ears and tail in what ever style you want. You can sew on buttons for eyes if you like, just make sure there can safely go in the microwave. I made a dog!
7. Name it.
You can make these little animals with any size socks you like. A snake out of an old pair of tight Make sure to keep in mind the size when heating them in the microwave. You don't want to burn your little one. A few seconds is all you need for a baby sock size. If your baby has a fever you can put it in the freezer for a few hours and then they have a cool cuddle buddy.
Have fun!